Why You Need A Perth Plumber On Speed Dial
When you think about who should be on speed dial, your plumber probably isn’t top of the list. However, when you really need a plumber, you want to be able to get hold of them as fast as possible, so here are 5 reasons why you need a plumber in Perth on speed dial.
1. Plumbing Blockages
We’ve all been there – your kitchen sink suddenly refuses to drain. Your toilet doesn’t flush, but instead the contents start slowing rising, sparking mild terror in the flusher!
When you’ve got a blockage in your pipes that just won’t budge, it’s time to call your trusty plumbers in Perth to tackle the job. That’s us!
We’ll get the job done quickly and with the least amount of mess and fuss.
2. Flooding In Your Home
Imagine opening your front door to a sea of water gushing out of your home. Not a great thought is it?
Unfortunately, burst pipes can mean this scenario becomes a reality. Your home insurer will likely need you to get the leak under control as soon as you can to prevent further damage.
Instead of wasting valuable time trying to fix the leak yourself, call your trusted plumber by hitting that speed dial button. Our plumbers at Perth-fection Plumbing can be there in a heartbeat to fully secure the leak and prevent it from recurring.
While you wait for us to arrive, stem the flow of water or stop it if you can. Turning off the mains water supply is a quick and easy way to stop the water leaking anymore and we will assess the cause of the leak as soon as we arrive.
3. You’ve Got No Water!
Just the opposite of a flood, no water is also a nightmare for most home and business owners.
If there is no logical or obvious reason why you have no water (check for water outages in WA here), it’s time to whip out your phone and call your plumber.
Not only will they be able to diagnose the problem and hopefully repair it, they’ll be able to advise what you could do to prevent the problem from happening again.
4. Emergency Gas Leaks
Smell gas? Don’t hesitate. Get everyone (including pets) out of your home and call a gas plumber immediately.
Gas leaks are not something to ignore or try and fix yourself. They can be extremely dangerous and should be attended to by a professional as soon as humanly possible.
5. You Know Who To Trust When It Comes To Bathroom Renovations
Once you have a plumber in Perth that you can trust, you won’t want to use anyone else.
Finding a plumber that does a great job, doesn’t leave a mess, turns up on time, and knows what they are talking about, is no mean feat.
But that’s exactly what we do here at Perth-Fection Plumbing.
Put our number on your speed dial now – 0451 781 384 – and call us whenever you need us – we have residential plumbers, commercial plumbers and bathroom and laundry renovations specialists– we do it all!